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Ever wish there was an alternativeĀ solution to antibiotics, steroids, fertility drugs, and other pharmaceuticals, all of which end up harming your body in some form or another?

Well, there is!

This medicine has been out there for almost 300 years, proven to be safe and effective in thousands of double blind studies (I’m talking over 6,000). The only problem is, no one is talking about it – because you can’t exactly patent it, and you have got to match the correct remedy to the symptoms and person or you won’t see results.

It has been a life-saver for me, and I’m finally ready to spread the love and knowledge of this most powerful medicine.

Have I created enough suspense for you?

The medicine I’m speaking of is homeopathy. Yes, that “poo-pooed” “alternative medicine”. It has been bashed by many (including Wikipedia’s owner) because it’s largely unexplainable as to why it works..

Well finally, science is catching up with the double blind, randomized studies showing that homeopathy not only works compared with placebo, but it’s also reproducible. We can thank quantum physics for starting to explain “how” it works! So, while pharmacologists question homeopathy (because they want to know the method of its action), theoretical physicists understand that homeopathy is effective while still being inexplicable (because quantum physics has only scratched the surface!).

While this might not excite you as much as it excites me (seriously, homeopathy makes me giddy!), I hope you can embrace the science without caring “how” it works.

Homeopathy is a beautiful, powerful, effective, and most importantly SAFE medicine. When the correct remedy is chosen for your symptoms, emotional picture, and constitution, it works wonders. I have seen it work on myself (healing Crohn’s, a wasp sting, rashes..), my daughter (kicking colds, flus, sore throat, pinworms), and many of my clients (skin infections, morning sickness, acne, digestive issues, wounds, sprains, etc!).

I love the creativity and detective work that goes into finding the right remedy for my clients and their families.

I also help moms needing help with their babies and kiddos! Because if I can help minimize your child’s exposure to pharmaceutical drugs, then I’m not only helping you raise a healthier kiddo, I’m contributing to the health of our future generation! Or at least, that’s what I hope for šŸ™‚

So, are you ready to access your inner healer by utilizing homeopathy?!

Book Your Homeopathy Consult in “Coaching Services”

And if you’re not quite sure if homeopathy (or I) can help, book a Free 20 minute Discover Session by clicking the button above.

Click here for more info about Homeopathy

Image by Couleur from Pixabay