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Homeopathy is a gentle and effective energy medicine, backed by over 6,000 scientific studies. It takes the symptoms of the body, mind, and emotions as a totality, instead of using a particular diagnosis. Homeopathy then balances the human organism by matching that totality to the homeopathic remedy that best suits. It is like giving the energetic frequency the person needs to balance their health.

There is a time and a place for allopathic medicine (I can vouch for that!), and it can bring the person’s body out of some horrible inflammatory patterns. But rebalancing the vital force (qi, prana, etc) should be part of the healing process.  Our intention is to support the body in its ability to restore health. Homeopathy does not fight disease, it restores balance to the human organism, just like improving the soil for a tomato plant allows for it’s best expression. And each person’s health history, mental, emotional picture, and symptoms will guide the course of action.

For example, sometimes childhood eczema develops into asthma after chronic use of topical steroids. One might say that the superficial eczema was suppressed by steroids, and so the body then has to find another way to express that imbalance. The imbalance usually shows up months later as a deeper issue, like asthma or ADHD, etc, and our conventional medical professions don’t often see the correlation.  This is found in the Continuum of a Unified Theory of Diseases.

Are external microbes the true cause of disease? Our bodies already house billions of bacterial, viral, and fungal microbes, so why aren’t we always developing strep or candida or Ebstein Barr? If you know anything about Terrain Theory, you may have an understanding of how this might be.

Many people may be exposed to a flu virus, but only some will develop the flu because its the person’s susceptibility at that time to that disease that allows for it to be expressed.

When a person cannot recover on their own from stressors, a mental, emotional, or physical dis-ease will manifest. And stress comes in all forms – from the environment, food, work situations, relationships, sleep issues, trauma, etc. Some people will be able to handle a stressful situation well, while others will be pushed off balance, resulting in a range of dis-eases like sinusitis, depression, chronic fatigue, IBS, endometriosis, sciatica, auto-immune disorders, etc.

How Homeopathy Works

Homeopathic remedies work WITH the body, not against it. It may feel like your body is working against you sometimes, but it is in fact displaying symptoms, cravings, and aversions depending on your genetic predisposition and in line with your level of health. Your level of health is affected by environmental insults, emotional traumas, physical injuries, and also positive inputs.

Homeopathy is based on natural laws of quantum physics that are increasingly well understood and well documented. The Law of Similars is the core concept – substances that cause healthy people to get symptoms can then heal people who have these same symptoms. And homeopathic remedies are a dilution and potentization of the original substance, creating an energy signature, much like a frequency. This puts Homeopathy in the realm of energy medicine.

The picture of a homeopathy remedy (meaning its symptoms and nuances) was “proved” through numerous experiments producing a set of symptoms in the healthy individuals of that experiment. So for example, during a remedy experiment, if a person developed sweaty palms, a craving for eggs and sweets, and numbness in the toes, that would then be recorded as part of that remedy’s picture. Another person seeking help for a particular condition who had these symptoms, would then likely be helped by that particular remedy. Remember, Homeopathy has been in practice for over 200 years, and it continues to be studied and expanded on- it is an ever-evolving healing tool for our ever-evolving world.

How I Lead a Holistic Consultation

Because your whole health picture is taken into account, not just your main symptoms, I’ll need very different information than in a doctor visit. I’ll ask you about things like: physical symptoms, past mental or emotional traumas, mood, what makes you feel better or worse, your fears, food cravings and aversions, family history, how you sleep, and how you’re affected by your environment.

As open and honest as you can be will help me find the next best steps to bringing you to a higher state of health.

Response to a remedy is variable and depends on the person’s level of health, depth of illness, vitality, etc. Generally, positive changes will be seen within weeks. It could take months to see a very marked positive change if you have a very deep seated, chronic issue that has been suppressed for years. Uprooting imbalance takes time, but for most, it is possible and well worth the effort!

Here are some results my clients have described after a Holistic Consultation with me:

  • An emotional weight being lifted
  • 20 yr old depression lifted
  • Digestive disorders resolved
  • A seemingly untreatable, itchy skin rash gone
  • Improved mood- Including waking up happy, feeling compassionate, feeling motivated, discovering a new-found love of life
  • Resolving PMS and menstrual complaints
  • Physical pain lessened
  • Thyroid hormones balanced

Homeopathic remedies can be made from almost anything – plant, animal, mineral, chemical. They are highly diluted, so they don’t act like a chemical or hormonal medication, and when used correctly, they’re gentle and safe for the elderly, babies, and even pregnant women.

One word of caution- homeopathic remedies are powerful, and as much as they are a gentle tool, they need to be used appropriately. For example, taking many doses of a remedy or blend of remedies can end up suppressing what you are trying to heal.

Remedies are prepared by homeopathic pharmacies in a very specific manner, but many of the products on the market today that advertise themselves as homeopathic may not be true homeopathic products. It’s best to work with a practitioner extensively trained in Homeopathy for any chronic issues, but for acute illnesses, you may be able to treat yourself and your family well with a lot of info available at a click of a button.

Please call or text if you are interested in discussing Holistic Counseling as an option.

* There is no licensure for Homeopathy in this country, and while I graduated from the International Academy of Classical Homeopathy, a 3 year program, I cannot call myself a Homeopath. Laws in Utah are unclear but as I understand them, only a medical licensed professional (ex: MD, NP, RN..) can practice Homeopathy, even if they have not received proper training. So I am a Holistic Practitioner, practicing ethically and with pure intention to help those in need.